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Township Bigshow Regatta Tips and Strategies

2019-07-17 01:19:47

There are probably other and better guides for playing Regatta and Interseasonal Regatta. However, I would like to share some methods I discovered that may be common knowledge amongst many players.

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- You can prepare for tasks. If you have an airplane task, have a full plane ready for departure before starting the task, so it instantly counts towards the goal. Similarly, you can produce an amount of items for a Goods task, while keeping them on the Shelves in the Factory. Once you start the task, take the Goods from the Shelves to put them into the Barn, and they count towards the goal instantly. The same is true for having Crops on your fields ready to be harvested.

- The best tasks are the ones you can prepare for outside of the Regatta. These are the tasks that require items that do not take up space in your Barn. Like the task for the House of Luck (you can have up to 100 letters and 50 clovers available before the regatta begins). Or the task to make Ingots from Ore (use the Dealer to get a big stock of Ore). And the Ore mining task (the Dealer sells up to 15 Pickaxes every hour). The House of Luck task and the Mining task can be completed in just a few minutes! Other fast tasks (if you prepared for them) include the Helicopter task and the bi-weekly Event tasks.

- It is recommended to dump most of the slow tasks, like plane tasks and train tasks and zoo tasks. Dumping tasks only affects the global score (not the regatta score), so if you are just playing for the usual rewards then you can dump as many tasks as you like. Just don't dump a task after you started it already (with a red Trashcan icon) because that will reduce the maximum amount of tasks you can finish this week. 

- You can do 10 or more tasks for 135 points each, in the first 24 hours of a regatta, if you dump the slow tasks and pick the fastest ones!

Example: Dump a lot of tasks before you click start on any. Get head starts on tasks you will eventually do, factories, boats sent, zoo items collected, crop space cleared or whatever. Line up FAST tasks worth 135. When you can clearly see an order of 5 - 10 fast tasks, start with the fastest ones first. It's ok if you are not ready to start until Wednesday or Thursday, it won’t matter as long as you hit the water full speed. Work through your plan always picking whichever task can be completed next, next. You will finish the regatta in about 2 days or less.

Now spend the rest of your time upgrading your town for the very fastest tasks, like zoo, lots of variety for helicopters, stock up on mining tools and clovers for HOL. Try to upgrade the things that take the longest like boats and trains.

Don't start a race thinking you have to spend t cash to win, because you don't except for buying the last task. Start by thinking that planning is worth more than t cash and let others do the spending to try to keep up with you.

Do a better job of strategizing each race, and that’s the fun part for now. 

Hope this guide would be helpful. For more news and guides on Township, stay tuned to, a professional online in-game currency store for Cheap Township Cash.